The Lion Guard is an American animated television series created by Ford Riley[3] based on Disney's 1994 film The Lion King. The TV series was first broadcast with a television movie, titled The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar on Disney Channel on November 22, 2015[4] and aired as a TV series starting January 15, 2016 on Disney Junior and Disney Channel.[5] It is the second television series to be based on The Lion King, the first being Timon & Pumbaa (1995–1999). The Lion Guard is a sequel to the original filmand a midquel to its 1998 sequel, The Lion King II: Simba's Pride.
The Lion Guard |
Genre | Adventure Children's adventure |
Developed by | Ford Riley |
Directed by | Howy Parkins |
Voices of |
- Max Charles
- Rob Lowe
- Joshua Rush
- Dusan Brown
- Diamond White
- Atticus Shaffer
Opening theme | "Call of the Guard" performed by The Lion Guard Chorus |
Ending theme | "Here Comes the Lion Guard"performed by Beau Black |
Composer(s) |
- Christopher Willis
- Beau Black[1]
Country of origin | United States |
Originallanguage(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 9 (+ 1 pilot) (list of episodes) |
Production |
Executiveproducer(s) | Ford Riley |
Productioncompany(s) |
- Disney Television Animation
- Mercury Filmworks[2]
Release |
Original network |
- Disney Junior
- Disney Channel
Original release | November 22, 2015 – present |
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